Sunday, June 30, 2013
Christ Ahnsahnghong say us "I have already come."
Jesus promise to come to this earth again.
So many people are waiting the Second Coming Christ.
But the Second Coming Christ have already come.
He says to us "I have already come for your salvation.
"Christ Ahnsahnghong have already come but people don't believe him.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is held in contempt and ridiculed by people.
However Christ Ahnsahnghong endure contempt and ridicule.
Christ Ahnshanghong established the New Covenant Passover for our salvation.
Bible testified that who is bring to the Passover, he is our God.
Then Christ Ahnsahnghong is surely our god.
So WMSCOG believe Christ Ahnsahnghong.
We must believe Christ Ahnsahnghong, we receive the eternal life.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
[Ahnsahnghong] established the True Church - WMSCOG
Many churches do not keep the commandments of God.
Then, which church is the true church?
The true church keep the New Covenant of Jesus. (Jer 31:31)
2,000 years ago, Jesus established the "Church of God".(1 Co 1:2)
Church of God have
1. The New Covenant Passover (
2. The Sabbath day (
3. Baptism (
4. Veil (
World Mission Society Church of God is only keeping the commandments of God in the whole world.
Therefore, WMSCOG is only the true church.
Friday, June 28, 2013
God the Mother is the best medicine
A few days ago, son lied to me but was sharply scolded when the truth got out.
He started to lie at the age 12 because he got scared of his mom and dad since then.
At his confess, my heart ached so much and I tried to hug and love him a lot, hoping to fix his bad habits.
One day, he wanted to sleep with me and dad because he felt scary being alone in his room.
Then, my husband bellowed at me, blaming that I am raising him just like a baby.
“It’s going to be emotionally tough and scared at his age.
We’d better cover his mistakes and keep him warm to ride out this situation.”
Finally, he agreed with me and since then, our couple has tried to have a conversation with him as much as possible before the bed time.
As the day got colder, the room became warmer than the living room so we decided to sleep in the living room.
All of us could have a nice talk together every day, lying side by side on the floor. Listening to the new song, I embraced his face and asked him lying next to me.
From now on, let us stop bad behaviors like lie and continue to please Heavenly Father and God the Mother by loving all the more with mom and dad.”
This boy grown up so quickly enough to wear the same size of his dad answered, “Ok” and then threw himself into my arms.
Being with him, God the Mother suddenly came into my mind.
Now I think I know why She came down to this earth and is grabbing each hand of every child to give Her unconditional love, without rejecting all pains and sorrows.
The best medicine to cure all disease of our sins should be very “You- God the Mother.”
Thursday, June 27, 2013
God the Mother giving love
When I first got the truth and received a lot of care from brothers and sisters in Zion, I thought it is natural to receive love and sometimes, I even felt a little hurt when they did not pay attention to me.
However, since I am in the position to give love rather than to receive it, I easily got in trouble suiting every member of the spiritual family.
Then, I could realize that this whole situation had me understand the true mind of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
Our Father and Mother have endured and suffered everything just for the love toward Their Children for a long time.
In spite Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother sincerely care and love all our Heavenly brothers and sisters, I rather hurt them with arrogant mind.
I truly give thanks to God for allowing me to realize my shortage and lack.
Just like God the Father and God the Mother who never give up on us, I would also like to become the one who cares each and every brother and sister with earnest mind, waiting patiently to give love to them.
I eagerly desire to go back to our everlasting Heavenly hometown with God the Mother, wearing the perfect robe of angel.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
We are a beautiful ornament of fine linen of God the Mother
Mother’s dress
A few days ago, I had trouble deciding what to buy for mother’s birthday present.
Shopping around many stores, I kept wondering if it was good to buy a t-shirt or some comfortable shoes at work.
When I went inside the store where a lot of pretty clothes were displayed, one dress attracted my attention among other fashionable jackets, skirts and pretty pants.
Now I come to think of it but I haven’t actually seen mom wearing a dress that much.
Purchasing a dress right away, I came back home and finally gave it to my mom on that evening.
She was so much pleased with the present.
Dad also complimented mom on how nicely she looked in that dress.
I was more than happy and pleased with my mom full of joy too; on the other hand, my heart was touched by some emotions.
Of course she is a mother of three but at the same time, she could have been even prettier and taken care of the way she looks.
I think I am just a child who does not know her mind fully yet.
This time, I could realize how much Heavenly Mother sacrifices for these prodigal sinners,
even though, God the Mother, She is God Almighty who should be in glorious heaven but came down to this earth and works for numerous children without a rest.
I, still just a child, sincerely promise to work diligently in order to become a beautiful ornament of fine linen that Heavenly Mother should put on.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Thank You - God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong.
Thank You - God the Mother
I felt all the more keenly that there are so many things to thank for in life.
One day, hearing my mom who has been suffering from a chronic disease fell with a thud, I hurried off to the hospital.
Bleeding heavily with the rupture of a blood vessel, she was helplessly lying on the bed in the emergency room.
All the way to the hospital, I didn’t know what to do at all but when I saw mom getting the IV injection, I could feel a little relieved.
My sister who first found mom falling in the living room in the early morning rushed to the hospital seemed so haggard.
I asked her to bring some toiletries and clothes from home and then I sat next to my mom.
Looking at her sleeping face as white as a sheet, I couldn’t stop shedding tears in vain.
Since her heavy bleeding, she continued to receive transfusion while she was in hospital.
Without blood for transfusions, she would have come across something wrong.
At that moment, some news contents I watched the other day suddenly occurred to me.
The news was that in spite of falling blood supplies with the decreasing number of blood donors in this hot summertime, they thank The International We Love You Foundation for its hundreds of members took the head in the blood donation movement.
I truly give thanks to God(Christ Ahnshanghong and God the Mother) for allowing me to realize the true love of Heavenly Mother and to have an opportunity to practice the love for others.
One day, hearing my mom who has been suffering from a chronic disease fell with a thud, I hurried off to the hospital.
Bleeding heavily with the rupture of a blood vessel, she was helplessly lying on the bed in the emergency room.
All the way to the hospital, I didn’t know what to do at all but when I saw mom getting the IV injection, I could feel a little relieved.
My sister who first found mom falling in the living room in the early morning rushed to the hospital seemed so haggard.
I asked her to bring some toiletries and clothes from home and then I sat next to my mom.
Looking at her sleeping face as white as a sheet, I couldn’t stop shedding tears in vain.
Since her heavy bleeding, she continued to receive transfusion while she was in hospital.
Without blood for transfusions, she would have come across something wrong.
At that moment, some news contents I watched the other day suddenly occurred to me.
The news was that in spite of falling blood supplies with the decreasing number of blood donors in this hot summertime, they thank The International We Love You Foundation for its hundreds of members took the head in the blood donation movement.
I truly give thanks to God(Christ Ahnshanghong and God the Mother) for allowing me to realize the true love of Heavenly Mother and to have an opportunity to practice the love for others.
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Mother in the Ambulance [God the Mother N Christ Ahnshanghong]
The Mother in the Ambulance

While I was on the bus, an alarm went out.
When I looked through the window, I saw an ambulance standing by.
There was a traffic jam from people getting off from work.
This created a situation of trapping the ambulance in it.
After a while, I got off the bus and quickly walked my way curling up myself in the cold wind.
But nearby, there was the ambulance that I saw in the bus.
Standing still, it couldn't’ move a yard.
When I reached the ambulance, because of the large window, I could clearly see the inside.
With their whole effort, the rescue workers were doing the chest compression to save the patient’s life.
Next to the patient there was an old lady who looked like the patient’s mother, looking at the patient anxiously, grasping on the patient’s hand.
Even though the alarm was echoing in the congested area, seeing the cars not making the way for the ambulance, I also became anxious with rage.
At that moment, the buses and the cars started to move out, making the way for the ambulance.
‘Thank goodness…’
I definitely hoped for the ambulance to arrive quickly to the hospital so that the patient could recover.
Seeing that incident, I began to think of God the Mother who is anxiously leading Her dying children, each soul after soul, to the way of life.
Not even having a time to look after Herself, She only puts Her whole heart on saving all of Her(God the Mother) children.
I thank for Her(God the Mother) earnest love and I will value more working myself as the messenger for this age.
I will become at least a smallest help for God the Mother who is full in hands saving Her children.
While I was on the bus, an alarm went out.
When I looked through the window, I saw an ambulance standing by.
There was a traffic jam from people getting off from work.
This created a situation of trapping the ambulance in it.
After a while, I got off the bus and quickly walked my way curling up myself in the cold wind.
But nearby, there was the ambulance that I saw in the bus.
Standing still, it couldn't’ move a yard.
When I reached the ambulance, because of the large window, I could clearly see the inside.
With their whole effort, the rescue workers were doing the chest compression to save the patient’s life.
Next to the patient there was an old lady who looked like the patient’s mother, looking at the patient anxiously, grasping on the patient’s hand.
Even though the alarm was echoing in the congested area, seeing the cars not making the way for the ambulance, I also became anxious with rage.
At that moment, the buses and the cars started to move out, making the way for the ambulance.
‘Thank goodness…’
I definitely hoped for the ambulance to arrive quickly to the hospital so that the patient could recover.
Seeing that incident, I began to think of God the Mother who is anxiously leading Her dying children, each soul after soul, to the way of life.
Not even having a time to look after Herself, She only puts Her whole heart on saving all of Her(God the Mother) children.
I thank for Her(God the Mother) earnest love and I will value more working myself as the messenger for this age.
I will become at least a smallest help for God the Mother who is full in hands saving Her children.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Frailty a woman may be[Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother]
Frailty a woman may be
“Oh, sister!”
“Oh my goodness! Sister, what brings you here?”
On the Sabbath day, a reunion was made in a restaurant.
Since there was a familiar face, I happened to look at it closely, and that was indeed my spiritual sister that I knew.
Few years ago, as young adults, we were at the same branch church.
When I remind myself about her...
She had a slim body as if it might fly away when the wind blew, a long straight hair and she loved pretty accessories, which I can say she was a fully ladyish girl.
Compared to those days, she didn't change much at all.
However, she was holding hands of a little child.
She already got married and delivered a child; became a mom.
The child resembled her.
I had a funny feeling looking at them.
Though her outward appearance was the same, she wasn't the usual girl that I knew long time ago.
She carried her child with her slim arms, which I strongly felt maternal love from her.
At the same time, it reminded me of the saying that,
“Woman are weak, but mothers are strong.”
Though the sister looked very fragile and weak, she was the best protector and a fence for her child.
Though God the Mother is on this earth as a delicate woman, for the children of promise like Isaac, God the Mother has the almighty power of life to allow us to inherit Heavenly Kingdom.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I now want to be a child who resembles a broad mind of God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong.
The Acrylic Board and the Cutting Mat
Preparing for the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, we all divided into teams to create invitations to be handed out to all families, acquaintances, and neighbors, for them to receive the water of life given freely by Heavenly Mother.
Seeing brothers and sisters cutting papers on top of an acrylic board and a cutting mat, the Overseer asked us a question.
"What's the difference between this acrylic board and the cutting mat?"
We all simply answered that the material, the name, or the size, is different.
Then he said,
"Look at them carefully. They have been numerously cut with knives. One of them seems to be damaged that we can even see with our own eyes, but you can't see any damages on the other. Don't you think they resemble our hearts and our Mother's?"
Though She has been hurt from numerous thorns of sins, Mother would never show how hurt She was...
She just bears and endures silently.
Even hearing small advises from our brothers and sisters we would show how hurt we are.
Our hearts are all full with faults.
That doesn't mean that the cutting mat is undamaged.
If you look at it closely, there are small and deep cuts made to it.
But outwardly, it seems to be clean and undamaged.
I only considered my pain, just wanted to be served, and didn't want to have a broad mind for my brothers and sisters.
Repenting for what I've committed, I made a resolution that I would be a child who bears and endures; resembling Heavenly Mother.
Considering the teachings for my salvation as a burden, I always complained, blamed, didn't realize brothers' and sisters' consideration, and envied.
Didn't endure nor gave thanks and just showed off my hardships just like the acrylic board.
With all of these, I scraped my Mother's heart.
Despite of all what I have done, She still bears and embraces, the children all covered with thorns.
I now want to be a child who resembles you. God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong.
The path of pain and sacrifice that you have walked, I also want to consider it to be the path that I must walk, and follow you with thanks.
With an arrogant mind, I would have never received the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
That is why God the Mother gave me a realization through this small routine.
I give earnest thanks to Heavenly Mother for allowing me this realization.
I want to be a child with a broad mind who can cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.
I love You Mother.
Preparing for the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, we all divided into teams to create invitations to be handed out to all families, acquaintances, and neighbors, for them to receive the water of life given freely by Heavenly Mother.
Seeing brothers and sisters cutting papers on top of an acrylic board and a cutting mat, the Overseer asked us a question.
"What's the difference between this acrylic board and the cutting mat?"
We all simply answered that the material, the name, or the size, is different.
Then he said,
"Look at them carefully. They have been numerously cut with knives. One of them seems to be damaged that we can even see with our own eyes, but you can't see any damages on the other. Don't you think they resemble our hearts and our Mother's?"
Though She has been hurt from numerous thorns of sins, Mother would never show how hurt She was...
She just bears and endures silently.
Even hearing small advises from our brothers and sisters we would show how hurt we are.
Our hearts are all full with faults.
That doesn't mean that the cutting mat is undamaged.
If you look at it closely, there are small and deep cuts made to it.
But outwardly, it seems to be clean and undamaged.
I only considered my pain, just wanted to be served, and didn't want to have a broad mind for my brothers and sisters.
Repenting for what I've committed, I made a resolution that I would be a child who bears and endures; resembling Heavenly Mother.
Considering the teachings for my salvation as a burden, I always complained, blamed, didn't realize brothers' and sisters' consideration, and envied.
Didn't endure nor gave thanks and just showed off my hardships just like the acrylic board.
With all of these, I scraped my Mother's heart.
Despite of all what I have done, She still bears and embraces, the children all covered with thorns.
I now want to be a child who resembles you. God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong.
The path of pain and sacrifice that you have walked, I also want to consider it to be the path that I must walk, and follow you with thanks.
With an arrogant mind, I would have never received the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
That is why God the Mother gave me a realization through this small routine.
I want to be a child with a broad mind who can cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.
I love You Mother.
Friday, June 21, 2013
God the Mother has sacrificed even now without resting for the salvation of God's Children
The Mother and the Bee
One hot summer day, a little boy was playing on the backyard.
Didn’t know why, but a huge bee was buzzing furiously on top of his head.
The more the child tried to hide from it, the bee flew over him more.
His fear went to extreme, so he went to his mother’s arms and cried.
Seeing her child with fear, the mother quickly covered his body with her skirt, and covered his face with her hands.
Then the bee stung the mother’s arm instead of the child’s, and the poisonous sting was stuck in her arm, so deep enough that it couldn’t be removed.
Afterwards, the bee couldn’t fly further away and was crawling on the mother’s arm.
Bearing the pain, the mother said,
“My dear, don’t fear and come out. I have placed myself instead of you. Since the bee hurt me, it can’t hurt you no more.”
Whenever someone distrupt the truth of Church of God, and harrass the God's children,
God the Mother prays always for us and protect from the evil one.
Even though we can realize the pain and sorrow of God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong, God the Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong worry about our pain above all.
I give thanks and glory to God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong who lead us to the way of kingdom of heaven safely.
One hot summer day, a little boy was playing on the backyard.
Didn’t know why, but a huge bee was buzzing furiously on top of his head.
The more the child tried to hide from it, the bee flew over him more.
His fear went to extreme, so he went to his mother’s arms and cried.
Seeing her child with fear, the mother quickly covered his body with her skirt, and covered his face with her hands.
Then the bee stung the mother’s arm instead of the child’s, and the poisonous sting was stuck in her arm, so deep enough that it couldn’t be removed.
Afterwards, the bee couldn’t fly further away and was crawling on the mother’s arm.
Bearing the pain, the mother said,
“My dear, don’t fear and come out. I have placed myself instead of you. Since the bee hurt me, it can’t hurt you no more.”
Whenever someone distrupt the truth of Church of God, and harrass the God's children,
God the Mother prays always for us and protect from the evil one.
Even though we can realize the pain and sorrow of God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong, God the Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong worry about our pain above all.
I give thanks and glory to God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong who lead us to the way of kingdom of heaven safely.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I truly want to be a filial daughter for my mom and to my God the Mother and Christ Ahnshanghong.
For a long
time, my mom all alone raised us; four daughters.
I cannot even conceive the idea of raising four children all by myself, but I guess it was all possible for her because she was my mom.
Few years ago, my mom had a big surgery.
Though she had to rest, because of the wretched circumstances, she just had to work strenuously.
Though we all grew up and became adults, since we were busy, we didn’t know or forgot how strenuous it was for her.
Few years ago, my mom had a big surgery.
Though she had to rest, because of the wretched circumstances, she just had to work strenuously.
Though we all grew up and became adults, since we were busy, we didn’t know or forgot how strenuous it was for her.
When mom
comes home from work, she starts doing the housework right away.
After ten,
she comes to my room and talks about her daily routine.
She isn’t a talk-active person, but these days she
frequently stops by and talks to me a lot.
I really
wanted to be nice to her, but I was exhausted. So I tend to listen to her
Seeing how I
reacted, she would quickly end her conversation and leave my room.
When this
happens, I feel sorry for her.
I always make
a resolution that I wouldn’t repeat this mistake again, but it happens to me all
the time.
One day,
seeing her leaving my room, her shoulders seemed so small.
When I and my
sisters were young, she didn’t have a moment to talk with us.
That is why
we always went to her to talk with her.
Whenever we
did, she never showed how tired she was.
She always
listened to all what we have said, but I didn’t.
Few days ago,
my mom said that she had pain in her arms and legs.
I just told
her to “go to the hospital,” and when she repeatedly said that every day, I
started to ignore.
When I started to think lying down my bed, it reminded
me that my mom had a surgery for cancer.
I forgot that
she wasn’t a healthy person at all.
I felt
ashamed that I just told her to go to the hospital.
During break
time in my working place, I started to search for good medicine and food for my
Thinking that
I simply just needed to turn on the computer and type some words, I felt so
The reason
how I could grow up without any trouble was because of my mom’s sacrifice.
At this
moment, Heavenly Mother is also next to me, praying for me continuously every
day, every second.
But I always
Just because
of the world that I am living in, because I was busy, because I was
I just forgot
about Her.
Heavenly Mother who came down to this earth, who is sacrificing for
I truly want
to be a filial daughter for my mom and to my Heavenly Mother.
I want to be
a filial daughter who gives joy, happiness, and
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