One day on my way home after preaching, my phone rang suddenly.
My eldest daughter, a fifth grader at elementary school rang me, crying hard. I told her to get some pocket money and go to the hospital immediately.
A little while later, she said she got some treatment in the hospital and was on her way home. Feeling relieved a little, I started to quicken my pace.
“Amy, when you get home, you’d better skip the meal and just take some good rest.”
After talking on the phone with my eldest one, my son who is in the second year at elementary school rang me up. “Mon,where is Chris?”
“Why?” “Just wanted to serve her meal because she is sick now.” At that moment, tears pricked my eyes.
“Amy, Make sure it’s dangerous and just wait for me a little. I’ll go home now and do that for you”
He obediently answered and I was very thankful for this lovely son.
When I arrived home, there were some hams cut into several pieces and mixed with oil in a frying pan.
“Di you cut it, Mike?”
“Yes, but I just left it like this because I couldn't light it on.”
“No problem, Mom is going to do that for you.But then, why do the hams come in different sizes?”
“Sister is sick so I cut hers into a small size and the rest is cut in a bigger size.”
Suddenly tears welled up in my eyes again. In that evening, the son’s mind toward his sister stuck on my mind. Next morning, the eldest one who was lying sick in bed, failing to go to school said,
“Mom! Mike must have written this.”
“What did he say?”
“Sis! You are sick so you just lay in bed. I will serve you a meal!”
After reading his memo, I was truly touched. It was not that special but I could feel he must have felt sorry for her pain. Feeling his heart, I thought I also should have the same mind toward our brothers and sisters in the truth.
A few days after that, I received a magazine, ‘Elohist’ and the sermon of the month was titled, “Gospel that takes care of.”
I would like to give thanks to God the Father and God the Mother for allowing me three children who support me as gospel helpers and for sharing fragrance of Zion with this deep feeling.
I would try hard to become the children of God who helps out heavenly brothers and sisters so Mother could have a sunny smile playing about her lips.
I'll become the children of God who helps out heavenly brothers and sisters for the glory of our Elohim God.