At an instant people may feel sympathy for the young calf; in fact in was a consideration for the new born calf, so that it could gradually adapt to its work.
When the mother cow and the calf come under the yoke at the same time,naturally, the weight of the yoke remains intact, leaning on to the bigger figure.
In that condition, when the mother cow moves forward with its power, the calf next to it would just need to follow the mother.
From the grave sins that we have committed in heaven, the weight of our lives was just heavy.
Our struggling heavy steps were going into endless sufferings, not knowing where to turn to.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Mt11:28-30)
After meeting Heavenly Mother, at last we gained rest.
That is because instead of us, Heavenly Mother is carrying all of our heavy burdens and yokes on Her shoulder.
Just like the calf comfortably following the mother who was taking the weight of the yoke all alone, we are just following Mother by Her side.
Heavenly Mother is the refuge for our soul, allowing us true rest.
The only way to repay for Her love and sacrifice, the only way to take off the yoke from Her, is to shine Mother’s glorious light even more.
Christ Ahnsahnghong has already come to give us the water of life along with God the Mother according to the Bible (Revelation 22:17.) In this age, we should seek and receive the Spirit and the Bride Christ Ahnsahnghong and the God the Mother to get salvation. Please come to the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) where you can meet the Savior of this age.
ReplyDeleteI want to repay for Her love and sacrifice by following the will of God.