Wednesday, October 23, 2013

World Mission Society Church of God which was established by Christ Ahnshanghong

There are so many churches and denominations in this world and they all insist that
their doctrine is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.
Among them, which church is the true church that has the perfect truth,
the gospel of the kingdom of heaven?

Jer 31:31 "The time is coming," declares the Lord,"when I will make  a new covenant 
with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.

The church, which follows the New Covenant of Jesus is the true church.

However, the feasts of the New Covenant began to be changed from the end of the Apostolic Age and finally the feasts of the New Covenant were all abolished by the Rome Catholic, and it became the Dark Ages.

No one can have salvation without the truth of the New Covenant.
That is why God came again as a man and rebuild the Church of God with the truth of the New Covenant.

According to the prophecy, the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong nim has rebuilt the Church of God by restoring the New Covenant.

World Mission Society Church of God is the only church that follows the
New Covenant, the perfect truth of the salvation of the early church.


  1. We have to find the trutth.So we need the Church of God which has the truth and eternal life.

  2. Only God can teach us the truth of the New Covenant and lead us to salvation.
    Today, Christ Ahnsahnghong rebuild the Church of God with the truth of the New Covenant according to the prophecies of the Bible.
    Christ Ahnsahnghong is truly our God, our Savior!!
