Friday, November 22, 2013

Nothing but an Idol, the Cross! WMSCOG and Christ Ahnsahnghong

Nothing but an Idol, the Cross! WMSCOG and Christ Ahnsahnghong

Do U think that the cross is a symbol of Christianity?

Many churches is using this cross as a symbol of their faith. Do U also???

World Mission Society Church of God[WMSCOG] established

by Christ Ahnsahnghong

NEVER use this cross.

Why? By the Holy Bible, using the cross is worshiping the false god, not true God.

That is, using the cross is idolatry!!

The early Church did not use the cross as the symbol of Christianity.

The cross was an execution tool for criminals on death row!

Many Christians often say they preach the gospel.  However, the core of the heavenly gospel that Jesus came to this earth and sent Himself is very the Passover.
 Church of God delivers the same teachings as the early church.
Please come to Church of God and keep the Passover. (Matt.26:17)

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