Saturday, January 11, 2014

Turning into a spiritual diamond - Christ Ahnshanghong and God the Mother

Something about the carbon that I learned in science class in middle school rushed upon my mind.

“Guys, what would be the things in common between coal and diamond?”

We couldn't find any answers to teachers’ question though I and other guys had a hard think.

I guess the main reason was that both coal and diamond do not seem to have anything in common at all.

Then, the teacher continued to go on.

“It is related to the carbon we are going to study today.  Actually, both of them were consisted of carbon.”

This came as a surprise to me since it seemed unbelievable that both black coal and transparent diamond were made in same carbon.

“They were made by carbon alike but their bond structures are different.  Long time ago, in the movie, “Superman”, there was a scene where superman grabbed a handful of coals and pressed it hard, it turned into diamond. Likewise, coals become diamond when it gets high pressure and heat.”

Composed by same carbon, coal and diamond produce different substances depending on the bond structure of carbon.

While coal is not arranged orderly in carbon, diamond has regular tetrahedron formed by 4 carbon atoms, which is continually combined in three directions of width, length, and height.

This is the key that highly differentiate those two elements.

In the same way, we, in the truth seem to look like carbon.

We could become spiritual diamonds by uniting each other, having essential glue of ‘Mother’ and “Love’.

However, if we take our own way without having God in our mind, then the result should be totally opposite.

As the teachings in the Bible, I wish all become ‘spiritual diamonds’ shining brightly on hands and the neck of the bride, loving and caring brothers and sisters with all heart and mind.

Church of God (Witness of Ahnsahnghong) believes Ahnsahnghong 
as our Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit with the belief in Heavenly Mother.  
According to the Bible,God the Father and God the Mother
 who are the Spirit and the bride are 
to give us the water of life in this last age of the Holy Spirit. 
 In order to receive the water of life in this age,
we should come toward God the Father and God the Mother

1 comment:

  1. I wish all become ‘spiritual diamonds’ shining brightly on hands and the neck of the bride, loving and caring brothers and sisters with all heart and mind.
