Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Watch out the home for demons - world mission society church of God

Jesus established the Passover as the new covenant

that reveals the identity of Satan.

At this, Satan secretly came into the church and seized power in it

 and abolished the New covenant Passover.

The church where the New covenant Passover disappeared became a home

 for demons.

However, as the prophetic time comes,

the spiritual King Cyrus appeared at the ends of the earth in the east,

with the truth of the Passover to reveal the identity of the spiritual Babylon,

a home for demons, and to destroy it.


Please come to Church of God (witness of Ahnsahnghong) that believes Father Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother, the Spirit and the bride to get the eternal life and the salvation through the Passover the New Covenant.

1 comment:

  1. Chris Ahnshanghong appeared with the truth of the Passover to reveal the identity of the spiritual Babylon as the spiritual King Cyrus.
