When I was young, there was a time when I went downtown with my mother.
But I was continuously sulky after we got there.
Going from store to store, mom wanted to buy me some clothes and shoes that I liked.
However, answering half-heartedly to what she asked, I walked away from mom.
“Why, nothing suits you?”
I couldn't possibly answer that question and was continuously fretful.
We eventually went home earlier than we have planned.
On the way home, in the bus, I sat away from mom and even when we got off the bus, I quickly walked keeping a distance from her.
I was petulant because of her shabby and unattractive appearance, and I was so
embarrassed that I wished she wasn’t my mom.
Thinking of what had happened that time, my heart breaks and wells up my eyes.
Wearing out her welcome, my mom worked hard as a cleaning woman.
Thinking of her daughter, who might be discouraged by others, she wanted to buy me
a pretty dress and shoes with her hard-earned money.
I was so sorry being embarrassed and ignoring her as an immature child.
My heart aches at the thought that she would have been behind me, watching me quickly walking alone ahead of her, without knowing why I was sulky.
When I look at my mom, she recalls of Heavenly Mother.
Even at this moment She wishes Her children who can’t realize, to turn their backs to
Her, to come into Her arms.
Mother, for 6000 years, anxiously watches Her children who are not returning.
I am so sorry to Heavenly Mother.
Now, looking at Her, I want to run in Her arms.
I thank God the Mother for Her deep and great love towards Her children.
World Mission Society Church of God preach the Second coming Christ, Christ Ahnsahnhong andHeavenly Mother. Some people think the Chruch of God is very strange church which believe in man. However, The Church of God believe in Savior who is testifed on Bible. In fact, when the people visit the Church of God, they realize their thought is just misunderstanding. As above news, WMSCOG always do their best to make this world better place by following the teaching of God.
I give thanks and glory to the great sacrifices of God the Mother who is with us in this sinful world.