Few years ago, I was hustling for the evening worship with my two kids (a 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son). That was because the time approached as I was getting ready with an ease.
Passing our house, we saw a dead pigeon that we could assume it got hit by a car. I warned my kids as we passed around it, leaving it way behind.
But after a while, my son started to mutter something. With the lack of time, I couldn't bear to listen carefully what he was saying.
As I was hurrying my steps, I got to hear what he was saying.
"Mummy must be sad... Mummy must be sad."
I thought he acted rather strangely. So taking his wrist, I gave a blunt answer for what he was saying.
"Mommy is not sad."
I think he was thinking I was odd. He opened his big eyes widely and said,
"No. The baby birdie is waiting for mummy.”
At last I understood that my son was talking about the mother pigeon and not me.
He thought the dead pigeon was a nestling.
I was quiet surprised because I always treated him like a young baby.
Not missing my eyes with surprise, he said,
"You didn't know that Mommy?”
I can’t remember how I escaped that hopeless situation.
Even that small child already knew the eternal truth; that to all living creatures, mothers exist to give them life. And that those mothers would be sad if their children wouldn't return to their nests.
I cannot forget forever of what I have realized that day.
Since Heavenly Mother exists giving birth to Her spiritual children, we exist. And to Heavenly Mother, I will become a child who will proclaim the good news to the poor souls who are dying not knowing Heavenly Mother’s heart.
Her heart that is all burned up into ashes because they do not understand Heavenly Mother’s loving heart.
World Mission Society Church of God preach the Second coming Christ,
Christ Ahnsahnhong and Heavenly Mother.
Some people think the Church of God is very strange church which believe in man.
However, The Church of God believe in Savior who is testified on Bible.
In fact, when the people visit the Church of God,
they realize their thought is just misunderstanding.
As above news, WMSCOG always do their best to make this world better place
by following the teaching of God.
I will also become a child who will proclaim the good news to the poor souls who are dying not knowing Heavenly Mother’s heart.