‘For what reason was this old woman out in a street with a patient gown?’
There was a middle aged woman a few steps ahead, walking in barefoot.
That woman was the daughter of the old woman following her.
The story was:
The daughter, who was beautiful and smart of all woman,started to lose her memory as soon as she became 20 years old. Her intelligence gradually started to go back like a child.
Even though the daughter was hospitalized and was being treated,her condition became worse, so she had to leave the hospital.
Before, the mother couldn’t help and had to send her daughter to the hospital. But now she was sorry that she didn’t take care of her daughter by herself.
Her 30 year old daughter who has a 3 year old intelligence spends most of her time sleeping, eating while she was awake, and walking on the street in barefoot.
Then, the mother will follow the daughter.
Although the old mother was physically ill and exhausted, not knowing when her daughter might wake-up and go out in the streets, she couldn’t even go to a hospital.
When she finally made time and went to the hospital, and while being treated getting an IV injection, she heard that her daughter went out.
So that was why she was following her daughter while wearing a patient gown.
There was one thing that the mother couldn’t miss in her daily work.
That was, sweeping the alley with a broom.
She swept the alley ahead of her daughter, worrying that her daughter might step ona broken glass.
The old woman says,
“Mom’s love is like a circle without a beginning or an end.”..
She was not being able to look after of her unbearable body, but she only watches after her daughter.
The mother was so sorry for the times when she and her daughter were apart from each other.
The mother walked ahead of her daughter to make the daughter’s way smooth.
Mother’s love has no beginning or an end….
The heavenly children, also suffering with the illness of oblivion, are safe inside the Mother’s love like a circle.
World Mission Society Church of God preach the Second coming Christ,
Christ Ahnsahnhong and Heavenly Mother.
Some people think the Church of God is very strange church which believe in man.
However, The Church of God believe in Savior who is testified on Bible.
In fact, when the people visit the Church of God,
they realize their thought is just misunderstanding.
As above news, WMSCOG always do their best to make this world better place
by following the teaching of God.
How can we fathom God the Mother’s love has no beginning or an end. I sincerely give thanks to our God the Mother forever.