A few days ago, I went to the library in my university. I was a little sleepy so I wanted to take a rest for a while in a resting area.
When I got a cup of coffee from a vending machine and tried to sip it, I was so surprised it was too bitter.
It was not even black coffee. Normally, I love to drink milk coffee, for I like the sweet taste but on that particular day, the coffee was too bitter to finish.
Then I remember the time when I took some milk with curiosity and regret getting it, because it was too much sweet.
So, I took some coffee immediately and started to mix with milk, holding both of them in two hands. It looked like a science experiment or something.
When I thought it was mixed quite moderately. I tasted it and found that it was just beautifully harmonized with bitter coffee and sweet milk.
And then I thought of the spiritual life in the truth. I could realize that just like bitter coffee and sweet milk, even in the truth, many brothers and sisters are allowed around because we cannot complete the gospel work alone, even though everyone has his/her own individuality.
If we try to do something ourselves, then we would definitely become useless existences who give bitter taste only to someone, just like bitter coffee.
However, if we are in harmony in God,even though we are too different with each personality, then I believe amazing miraculous work of God should be made, which one cannot do alone.
This must be what God really wants for us.
Coffee smells and tastes good when it is rotten. In the same way, I pray we also could become shining jewelries of Heavenly Mother with beautiful harmony and unity.
Also, I would like to be the children of God who inscribe the fact deep in my heart that all those miracles were possible by the noble sacrifice of Heavenly Mother who gathered every one of us into Zion and changed and united us with Her love.
The Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Almighty God who came down to this earth according to all the evidences and prophecies of the Bible and brought us back all lost truths of life. Therefore, we, the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believe the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and obediently follow what He said.
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