Receiving an urgent call, the mother arrived. Without hesitation and thinking that the two sons would be sleeping, she jumped into the fire and came out with her sons all wrapped in a blanket.
The sons who got rescued were unharmed. But the mother’s entire body was burned, and her leg was wounded, which eventually made her limp.
From that moment, the mother raised her sons by begging for money. With the sacrifice of their mother, the eldest son got in the Tokyo University, and the second to the Waseda University, both as the head of their classes.
Time passed, and it was the day for the sons’ graduation. The mother who wanted to see her sons graduate, she first went to Tokyo University. Graduating from the head of his classes, the eldest son already got approved by a large company.
The eldest son saw his mother looking for him by the reception.
As it was a place with honored guests, he was embarrassed. He told the reception to tell her that “there is no such person,” and so the mother went back with a sad face.
Being forsaken from her eldest son, with sorrow, she went to the Waseda University for her second son’s graduation.
However she couldn't possibly find her son so she turned her steps towards the school gate.
Just at that moment, the second son found his mother leaving the place,hobbling in a great hurry. The son shouted for his mother and carrying her on his back, he took her inside.
Though the mother said “You have the wrong person,” the son sat her in the middle of the honored guests. As the honored guests all adorned with costly jewels started to chatter to each other, the mother didn't know what to do.
Making a valedictory speech, he pointed at his shabby mother who sat on the seat for honored guests and talked about his mother’s sacrifice; how she rescued him from fire, begged for their living, and educated him.
The people who had hatred towards his mother, after realizing about his mother’s sacrifice, they were all moved into tears.
This news became known with newspaper and broadcasting. The second son became the son-in-law of a large company’s owner; however the eldest who was ashamed of his mother got a cancellation for his previous approval of a large company.
Rescuing the son despite of getting the body all injured, begging to educate the son, doing everything, whatever sacrifice it takes for the child, that person is ‘Mother.’
World Mission Society Church of God preach the Second coming Christ,
Christ Ahnsahnhong and Heavenly Mother.
Some people think the Church of God is very strange church which believe in man.
However, The Church of God believe in Savior who is testifed on Bible. In fact, when the people visit the Church of God, they realize their thought is just misunderstanding.
As above news, WMSCOG always do their best to make this world better place by following the teaching of God.
Source from: Love of Mount and Music /cafe
How can we repay for the love and sacrifices of God the Mother? I'll do everything to please God the Mother.