Sunday, December 29, 2013

Only WMSCOG( World Mission Society Church of God) keep the Passover-the way to eternal life.

Have you ever seen a flying airplane in the sky?It seems that there is no route in the sky.
But, there are routes in the sky for airplanes. And there are sea routes in the ocean for ships, too. When we follow the route, we can reach the destination exactly and safely.
So, how about the way to heaven? How can we be saved from many disasters and go to heaven exactly and safely?  And then, who can teach us the correct way to eternal life?
Only Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother who are the saviors in the last ages can teach us the way to eternal life.

According to the Bible, the Pavessor is the only way to have eternal life.

In the age of the Holy Father, Jehovah commanded the Israelites to keep the Passover.
In the age of the Holy Son, Jesus commanded Jesus’ disciples to keep the Passover.
And, in the age of the Holy Spirit, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover and commanded us to keep the Passover.
Though Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother eagerly want us to keep the Passover for our salvation, many people think there is no need to keep the Passover. But, which of the two is right before God, to keep the Passover or not? We should  judge everything by the Bible, not by human standards. When we follow the way that Elohim God lead us, we can reach the goal of our faith-eternal life.

1 comment:

  1. It's a miracle. Those who keep the Passover can escape the last disasters and live forever.
